Wednesday 3 September 2008

And I Never Understood Really...

No pictures today; I want these words to be concentrated on.

The piece of poetry I am about to present to you is one of my favourite things that I've written. I wrote it a few months ago, I guess, and in a really odd way. I simply put pen to paper and wrote exactly what came out of my mind. This is why I have absolutely no bollocking clue what it's about. But that's good, 'cause it means you can decide for yourselves.

And I never understood really

what time and elegance would bring,

and with it, the soft surrender of darkness


My eyes are not yet accustomed to the dim light around them

and so shapes move in colours that don’t try,

and the cool, cut-glass sun streams music onto unsuspecting faces,

upturned and glorious


To strive for that day, when man is free –

and woman alike – will come to naught

without the silent tick-tock of the wandering clock,

that sleeps so swiftly

when the neon brights and shining lights are gone


The bubbles in the rose-water burst like thoughts and dreams,

and so much else that is fragile and so easily lost,

while machines turn the tide of man

and the warmth of hearts


Breathe, for now is when you smile and wonder why


The revolutions of every wheel that slaps the backs of innocents

cannot compare to the revolution brewing in the hearts

and minds

and teacups of so many


May we one day explode our ugliness,

may we one day throw caution to the wind,

and play with the flames we create


May one day the soft beating of the drums warm our souls,

that we make take flight and scratch the stars


In their difficult way they gaze their star-gaze, until

with a flick and a kick they spiral away to dance with the gods


  1. *blushes* thank you for the lovely comments, dear. but, really, my head might get too big if you keep it up! =D

    my brain never shuts up, it seems. if that's healthy, well then by golly, i'm not complaining. ...i just said golly. and words are my favorite things. i'm thinking about doing a word a day on here.

    it's actually kinda funny how you talked about just putting your pen to paper here and letting it speak for itself; that's exactly what i've been doing recently with my poetry and i've come up with some of my best stuff, in my opinion. this is really lovely- much more eloquent than my stuff. although, i talk about michael stipe so, really, how eloquent can i possibly get? i'm really interested in more of your poetry if you ever feel like posting it. it's really stylized and different.

    until we blog again,

  2. ah, well, i don't really know how to suck on purpose...that came out wrong...*anyway* fine, i'll put up with compliments, but you'll have to put up with mine as well. it's only fair.

    emotional without emo. that's what i go for. i call it "-tional." heh. i find that i fall into teh emo more when i try to distance myself-it becomes cliche and robotic for me. but when i just let my head babble for a while i think it ends up beinga little more real. yours doesn't seem like that though. Swing Me to Sunshine is really...fresh is the only word i can think of to reallysay what i mean. refreshing, is probably better. yes. your writing is refreshing. does that make sense? probably not. i rarely do. ah well, i'll do better next time.

    it's my pleasure! gracias to you as well-it's always nice to have someone who doesn't, like, live down the road from me reading my stuff. heh.

    PS. word a day is now in full swing! yay!

  3. fressssh. it *is* fun!

    i rarely think about the reaction i'm going to get-in writing or life. sometimes my greatest attribute, sometimes my tragic flaw. often ends in me falling on my face-literally.

    lordy-i'm not sure if you'd ever want the full extent of my thought processes. processi? processesesses? hah. see what i mean? but i know what you mean; the human mind is one of the most fascinating things in the world to me.

    as to the reality stuff-a friend and i were commenting back and forth about this for like a week and it got really deep and dizzying and i wanted to post some of it. it was fun.

    i *do* live in america, don't i? hah, sometimes i forget, myself. boring little town called latrobe, pennsylvania, to be exact. teensiest, most red-neck filled town you've never heard of. pretty classy stuff. and you?

    chicken wings, guitar strings and all those fun things,
