Saturday 28 February 2009

Lacking In Substance

Normally I consider these sort of things utterly useless and irritating, but fuck me, I'm bored. So I apologise for lowering the tone of this blog, but at least you get to know a wee bit more about the exciting life I lead. Or something.

- Available: Depends who's asking.
- Age: Eighteen.
- Animal: I own a pointless doggie called Archie.

- Beer: Only when played by Reel Big Fish.
- Birthday: Twelfth Night of December
- Best Friend: Jazzipants
- Body Part on opposite sex: Neck/Back/Shoulders/Hair
- Best feeling in the world: is probably chemically induced.
- Blind or Deaf: Neither at the moment, but that could change.
- Best weather: Tempestuous stormyness.
- Been in Love: Too often.
- Been on stage: After five years of Leeds Youth Opera I should bloody well hope so.
- Believe in Magic: Depends if I'm being cynicRosa or romanticRosa.
- Believe in Santa: Um, no.

- Candy: is called sweets and chocolate in England. Or confectionary if one is being pretentious.
- Color: is spelt COLOUR.
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate x100million.
- Chinese/Mexican Food: Both please.
- Cake or pie: Depends what kind.
- Continent to visit: All of them. Stupid bloody question.
- Cheese: makes everything taste better. Within reason.

- Day or Night: A healthy mixture.
- Dancing in the rain: requires singing in the rain to make it a complete experience.

- Eyes: Grey/Blue
- Ever failed a class: We don't "fail classes" here. BECAUSE WE'RE ALL GENII.

- First thoughts waking up: "Today would be a good day to spend in bed."
- Food: is one of my favourite hobbies.

- Greatest Fear: Mediocrity.
- Goals: Win.
- Get along with your parents? Why is this one in question form rather than the colon pattern we've had thus far?

- Hair Color: Originally light blonde, which turned to dirty blonde, which I dyed to whiteblonde which I got bored of and then dyed it red which came out pinkish and has now faded to a gingery strawberry blonde.
- Happy: Clappy. Rhyming is fun.
- Holiday: Moliday. That doesn't work...

- Ice Cream: is not that great, but Ben & Jerry's straight from the tub is nom-worthy.

- Jewellery: I'm never without the little, black & silver ring on my left index finger, the rainbow band around my left wrist or the giant, bulbous, silver ring on my right middle finger. I also always wear a necklace of some kind or I feel utterly lost and nekkid.
- Job: fired.

- Kids: Not right now, thank you. Maybe I'll be hungry later though.
- Kickboxing or karate: Either one would kick my ass very easily.
- Keep a journal?: Of a sort.

- Love: vincit omnia.
- Letter: I would like to bring back the letter as a form of communication.

- Milk flavor: FLAVOUR, goddamnit! Also, milk shouldn't have flavours. Unless you count semi-skimmed as a flavour.
- Movies: Ruining the book since 1920.
- Motion sickness: In cars and coaches, unfortunately yes.
- McD’s or BK: Shut up. Just shutthefuckup.

- Number: One. I'm number one.


- Perfect Pizza: One without a base and a few hundred toppings.
- Pepsi or coke: They taste no different.

- Quail: Is that honestly the only thing you could think of for Q?

- Reason to cry: I don't need one, pansy that I am.
- Reality TV: No.
- Radio Station: Radio Four and Classic FM.

- Song: Currently very much lovin' Poison's Talk Dirty To Me.
- Shoe size: 4/5.
- Salad Dressing: Olive oil & balsamic vinegar.
- Sushi: Mmhm, especially in Yo! Sushi.
- Skinny dipped? Oui.
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries.

- Tattoos: Soon.
- Time for bed: Generally around midnight.
- Thunderstorms: See "Best weather".

- Unpredictable: What? What's unpredictable? You can't even start a witticism with the word "unpredictable".

- Vacation spot(s): You have now asked me the same question three times, worded differently. And it's a holiday, not a vacation.

- Weakness: Things that taste good, which includes food, alcohol and some people...
- Who makes you laugh the most: Myself. Or Ed Byrne.
- Worst Weather? Pathetic, mizzling rain.

- X-Rays: You're an x-ray. That's right, I went there.

-Year it is now: Depends what calendar you go by. For me it's 2009.
-Yellow: Mellow. Fuck yes, the rhyming made a comeback!

- Zoo animals: Don't feed them.

As you can probably tell, I have an unfortunate malady where I believe I am amusing. Sorry about that.

I'll get back to posting stuff of substance soon, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what you are talking about,
    I loved this post,
    somehow (and weirdly) very interesting!
